Chaos of US Government Bailouts

GM Bragging About Paying Back Loan; It Is Only Part of the Story Big Spin more than Big News... The U.S. payments, made Tuesday, April 20, came five years ahead of schedule, and GM CEO, Whitacre said they are a sign that the automaker is on its way
toward reducing government ownership of the company. Whitacre added a lot more to his truckload of spin; "Nobody was happy that GM needed government loans — not the
governments, not the taxpayers and, quite frankly, not the company,"
Whitacre wrote in an op-ed article that appeared on The Wall Street
Journal's Web site Tuesday night. "We believe we can best thank the
citizens of the U.S. and Canada by making sure that their investments
are hard at work every day, building high quality, fuel-efficient
vehicles." Nobody was happy!! WHO are we kidding here; almost EVERYBODY was happy: Whitacre, the Unions, the politicians, the lawyers, the lobbyists...everybody except GM stockholders and the Americ...