Chaos in Leadership

Throw the Bums Out!

An interesting notion:
Make our Congress Accountable 
for their record!!

Here is an example of idiocy in Washington.
The two most vociferous  proponents of the
very policies that have gotten the US Economy
in the most trouble have their name on an
in name only reform bill that
will probably pass.

Primarily, the legislation addresses issues that could
and should be solved by a FREE MARKET.
This is typical. We should simply enforce the laws
that are on the books; NOT WRITE MORE.
This bill is particularly bad because it actually
creates yet another government agency.

The Bill  does not go far
enough in curbing DERIVATIVES.

The Bill does NOT EVEN TOUCH
the Housing Crisis or Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
This alone is enough to justify replacing
every member of Congress who would dare go along
with this legislative hoax.

"National Review notes that the bill is aptly named after
two of the leading causes of the financial crisis that
precipitated the legislation -- noting that Frank led
the push to extend home ownership to (quoting Frank)
"people who might not on their own in a market situation
be able to afford it" and rejected warnings of a housing
market collapse. Dodd called Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
"one of the great success stories of all time" --
a success that has cost taxpayers hundreds of billions
of dollars."
...Grassfire Nation E-Mail

Please contact your 
Congressional Representative 
and Senator.
Ask them to consider some realistic solutions.
Here is a link to all your elected officials:


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